Funding Opportunities
Check out some of the funding opportunities through COPAA. If you have a suggestion for a grant, project funding, or another financing opportunity that you would like to feature here, get in touch!
Currently, we offer funding through the:
Visiting Fellows Program
The COPAA Visiting Fellows Program is a short-term partnership opportunity involving a professional, practicing, or applied anthropologist (the Visiting Fellow, or VF) and a COPAA Member Anthropology Department. The program is designed to be mutually beneficial to both parties. The VF and Department develop a proposal to engage in a collaborative learning experience, share specific knowledge and skills (e.g., via seminars, courses, classroom discussions), and/or work on a project together. The program supports COPAA’s mission to advance the education and training of students, faculty, and professional and practicing anthropologists in applied anthropology.
Partnerships receive two forms of support: (1) $2,500 to support expenses for a campus partner to host a Visiting Fellow and (2) $1,000 to travel to the SfAA Annual Meeting where COPAA holds its annual business meeting ($500 to the lead faculty applicant and $500 to the Visiting Fellow).
Please send completed application by December 1, 2024 to
Award Details
Professional, practicing, or applied anthropologist
Faculty from COPAA-member anthropology department
Departments must be current in payment of dues and may only submit one application per award cycle
Recipients from the prior year are not eligible
Award Scope and Disbursement ($2,500)
One award made biennially, in odd-numbered years.
Funds may be used to off-set costs for a campus visit or visits (meal, lodging, travel) and honorarium for the Visiting Fellow.
COPAA-member anthropology department must submit a budget and budget justification. If the department will provide matching funds, please specify in the budget proposal (this is not a requirement to be considered for the award).
Half of the award will be dispersed at the start of the award period; remainder to be dispersed upon submission of Collaborative Report
Funds released by COPAA Treasurer: Jason Miller,
Application Submission
Due Date: December 1 (even-numbered years)
Send to COPAA gmail account:
Applications will be evaluated based on scope of work and anticipated benefits for the practitioner and COPAA member department.
Notification of Award: December 15 (even-numbered years)
Submission of Collaborative Report
Due Date: Within 1 month of the end of the year of award
Send to COPAA gmail account:
Guidelines for Collaborative Report below and on COPAA website
To be published in SfAA Newsletter
COPAA Visiting Fellow Presentation Grant ($500 x 2)
To support the presentation of collaborative work at a COPAA-sponsored session and the COPAA Business Meeting at the SfAA meeting immediately following the completion of the VF award
$500 awarded to Faculty Contact to offset travel costs to SfAA
$500 awarded to the VF to offset travel costs to SfAA
Released by COPAA Treasurer following SfAA meetings and presentation
Examples of Potential Collaboration:
Mentoring students for careers in practice
Working with faculty to establish practical training materials
Guest lectures in a methods or applied anthropology class
Hosting workshops in specialized topics in practice
Keynote speaker at forum or conference
Consulting on community engaged research
Professional training and skill development (contract negotiation, designing scope of work, networking beyond the academy)
Visit for more information and past projects examples.
Guidelines for Collaborative Report:
At the end of the project, departments and Visiting Fellows should submit a collaborative written report to COPAA. This report should be written for publication in the SfAA newsletter. It should include:
Description of the collaboration
Benefits to the students, faculty, department, and Visiting Fellow
What worked well and why
What did not work well and why
Suggestions for departments considering the program in the future
Photographs of the project
Deadline to submit the report: Within 1 month of the end of the year of award
Send to COPAA gmail account:
Previous Visiting Fellow Reports
2012 Visiting Fellow Report – Mary Odell Butler at UNT
2011 Visiting Fellow Report – Jean Schensul at University of Memphis
SfAA Travel Award for Practitioners
COPAA offers two travel awards to attend the annual SfAA meetings, one for a practitioner and one for a student. Recipients should be participating in a SfAA event as a session or roundtable organizer, participant, or discussant. Students currently enrolled in a bachelor’s, master’s, or doctoral program in anthropology or related field are eligible to apply and will be awarded based on the applied merits of the abstract. Priority will be given to students enrolled in COPAA member departments.
Interested applicants should email funding requests to COPAA Co-Chairs at by January 19, 2025.
In your request, please include:
Your name.
Your university or organization. If you are a student applicant, please list which kind of program you are enrolled in at your institution.
The name of the SFAA session you are a part of.
Your role in the session.​
The maximum award is $500. Recipients will be notified by Feb. 1st, 2025.
Department Advisory Initiative Award
The Consortium of Applied and Practicing Programs (COPAA) and the Anthropology Career Readiness Network (ACRN) have launched the Departmental Advisory Initiative (DAI) Award. It is designed to build capacity within Anthropology Departments/Programs for the teaching of practice, thereby enhancing student preparation for careers in industry, non-profits, and government. The winning COPAA Department/Program, offering BA, MA, or PhD degrees, collaborates with leaders from the ACRN over a one-year period to enhance student preparation for careers in industry, non-profits, and government. The Career Ready Curriculum framework guides the work. The COPAA-funded award is $1,000.
Please send completed application (linked with more information here) by December 1, 2024 to